Project management for distributed teams

Increasing efficiency with a system

Your needs. Your tariff.

Your requi­re­ments are as uni­que as your pro­jects them­sel­ves. Whe­ther for indi­vi­du­als or small teams or pro­ject- or asset-based com­pa­nies of any size — our packa­ges offer you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to opti­mal­ly cover your exact needs. We would be hap­py to advi­se you on this in a non-bin­ding per­so­nal mee­ting. We look for­ward to hea­ring from you.

Small Plan

Individuals or small Teams

up to 3 users

Fixed price



with annual payment €1,000 per year

Fixed costs backend


  • up to 5 pro­jects assets
  • Up to 20 pro­ces­ses per month
  • Up to 3 pro­cess tem­pla­tes
  • all updates to the func­tions available at the time of sub­scrip­ti­on

Medium plan

Larger Teams

up to 10 users

Price per user



with annual payment 600€ per year

Fixed costs backend



with annual payment € 3,000 per year

  • Unli­mi­t­ed pro­jects & assets
  • Up to 200 pro­ces­ses per month
  • Up to 8 pro­cess tem­pla­tes
  • all updates to the func­tions available at the time of sub­scrip­ti­on

large plan

Smaller Companies

up to 20 users

Price per user



with annual payment 500€ per year

Fixed costs backend



with annual payment €6,000 per year

  • Unli­mi­t­ed pro­jects & assets
  • Up to 400 pro­ces­ses per month
  • Up to 20 pro­cess tem­pla­tes
  • all updates to the func­tions available at the time of sub­scrip­ti­on


Larger multi-project-oriented companies

unli­mi­t­ed num­ber of users

Price per user

On request

Discounts possible for annual payment.

Fixed costs backend

On request

Discounts possible for annual payment.

  • Unli­mi­t­ed pro­jects & assets
  • Unli­mi­t­ed num­ber of pro­ces­ses per month
  • Unli­mi­t­ed num­ber of pro­cess tem­pla­tes
  • all updates to the func­tions available at the time of sub­scrip­ti­on

Support offers


The inte­gra­ti­on of new soft­ware offers your com­pa­ny deve­lo­p­ment poten­ti­al and can also invol­ve many accom­pany­ing admi­nis­tra­ti­ve tasks that you can­not cover with the staff within your orga­niza­ti­on. We are hap­py to pro­vi­de you with tem­po­ra­ry sup­port and, tog­e­ther with your respon­si­ble cont­acts, ensu­re that all the requi­re­ments for the suc­cessful imple­men­ta­ti­on and use of PROCESSREMOTE are met.

Training courses

Par­al­lel to the intro­duc­tion of PROCESSREMOTE, our expe­ri­en­ced trai­ners con­duct indi­vi­du­al trai­ning ses­si­ons with your mana­gers and employees in the com­pa­ny. The inten­si­ve tech­ni­cal sup­port gua­ran­tees a high level of accep­tance and a com­pre­hen­si­ve under­stan­ding of the new pro­duct in your teams. This means that you bene­fit 100% from the very begin­ning from the diver­se advan­ta­ges that PROCESSREMOTE offers you in the suc­cessful manage­ment of your pro­ces­ses.

Data migration / Interfaces

We sup­port you in migra­ting your pro­ject, pro­cess, pro­duct or com­pa­ny-rela­ted data to PROCESSREMOTE or in imple­men­ting inter­faces. This way, you bene­fit from a smooth, fast and relia­ble inte­gra­ti­on pro­cess for the suc­cessful com­mis­sio­ning of your new pro­cess con­trol frame­work.


PROCESSREMOTE offers a com­pre­hen­si­ve frame­work for the suc­cessful pro­ject manage­ment of your dis­tri­bu­ted teams. Do you still have indi­vi­du­al requi­re­ments that are not curr­ent­ly pro­vi­ded? We sup­port you in seam­less­ly lin­king pre­de­fi­ned struc­tures with spe­ci­fic ele­ments deve­lo­ped for you.


* We reser­ve the right to increase our fees in line with cur­rent pri­ce indi­ces.

** We reser­ve the right to offer new fea­tures only in con­nec­tion with a new sub­scrip­ti­on or for an addi­tio­nal fee.

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