Transparency & standardization
Standardization of workflows. Increased transparency.
Your multi-project platform for coordinating the processes of distributed teams.

Role & task management
Building industry
Coordinated collaboration through clear role and task management. Coordinated implementation of control and monitoring tasks, e.g. SiGeKo, construction supervision, quality and HSE monitoring.

Alignment of planning & implementation
Ensure your process excellence by continuously comparing planning and implementation. Agile project‑, product- and process-management to control efficient and customer-oriented procedures.

Ownership & availability
Ensuring the ownership and availability of your data. Transparent multi-contracting over the entire life cycle: planning, implementation, monitoring, deviation management.

Knowledge management & knowledge distribution
Improved knowledge management and dissolution of knowledge monopolies. Interface optimization at all levels: Planning, engineering, logistics, production and quality assurance

Evaluation & key figures
Renewable energies
Visibility of weak points and bottlenecks through evaluation options and key figures. Integrated management of planned and unplanned processes to ensure the highest possible system availability.

The features of PROCESSREMOTE create the foundation for sustainable flow in your processes. Continuous improvement thus becomes a self-runner.
Management of scheduled or event-initiated processes and process deviations
Checklists, protocols, inspections, audits, surveys in connection with construction supervision, quality assurance, HSE management, planned and unplanned processes such as installation, commissioning or maintenance tasks or trouble shooting — ProcessRemote supports you throughout the entire process: from planning to results analysis.
Simple meeting minutes, action lists or note or idea logs can also be easily mapped using the flexibly definable process element types.
Whether your processes are to be implemented in large-scale projects, in locally or organizationally distributed projects or in projects with complex products — ProcessRemote supports you in recording, providing and continuously updating relevant information in a structured manner.
ProcessRemote is based on structuring principles such as project structure elements (e.g. the individual wind turbine in a wind farm) and product components (e.g. a generator within a machine network).
Using an individually definable process structure, your sustainable project management is made possible.
Proven best practices and transparency in operational project and asset management
ProcessRemote enables you to handle your project and asset processes in a multi-project landscape in line with PMI (Project Management Institute) standards. Proven PMI concepts regarding organization/responsibility management, project structure organization and scheduling ensure efficient implementation of planning and operational processes.
ProcessRemote clearly displays the results of the project planning phase by means of a work breakdown structure or WBS and a backlog of the project processes, e.g. the execution and/or monitoring and control process group.
ProcessRemote allows you to manage project participants with their respective responsibilities at company and individual level.
Assign an authorization to the active and passive stakeholders according to their respective project role or the work packages defined therein and control them.
ProcessRemote ensures sustainable, structured process data availability and seamless traceability of project data.
Seamless collaboration via web and mobile app via the Azure backend — in addition to OData API
Technically speaking, you work with your ProcessRemote instance as a tenant on the Microsoft Azure platform.
Access is either via the Blazor web interface, the ProcessRemote mobile app or via an OData interface.
Each Tennant has a completely separate, individually manageable data area.
Process planning in terms of content, scheduling and responsibility as well as project management are carried out on the web-based administration platform.
The handy ProcessRemote app also guides and tracks your processes at the various project locations.
If your network connection is insufficient, you can also run your processes offline.
In the course of automatic synchronization, all data is later updated for you and brought completely up to date.
An OData interface for administered data exchange is available for connecting ProcessRemote to other management systems, such as ERP.
thought out
Integrated planning, operational processes, implementation status and KPIs at a glance
The challenges in the execution of projects often do not lie in the overarching planning or in the technically clean execution of work within a discipline.
On the other hand, all kinds of interfaces — technical, organizational, process-related, process deviations, the implementation of process improvements or, for example, the inclusion of new stakeholders in ongoing processes — continue to cause difficulties.
It can happen that individual processes that have been temporarily de-prioritized are not resumed, the overview of the backlog is lost or logically or locally related information is not recognized and treated as such.
ProcessRemote supports you in creating transparency and consistency.
Through process versioning, various categorization forms, a result assessment at process step level, a concept for handling process deviations, a continuous change log or the process-related storage of files or images, you always have an overview and maintain control using reports and dashboards.
Use cases

Project management
ProcessRemote: easy to implement, reliable to control!
Project and process planning takes place in the back office and provides all the necessary basics for your distributed teams — e.g. location, scheduling and content planning, methods and structures for meeting minutes or action list management.
By tracking implementation in the field, you can ensure that targets are achieved.

Store your paper checklists and protocol-like work instructions in ProcessRemote and assign them to your products and projects.
Provide targeted guidance for individual work steps and keep track of the status of all work.
Do you want to handle deviations from expected results in a structured way?
ProcessRemote also provides the right methods for this.

Managing a multicontract setup presents the leading party with numerous challenges.
PROCESSREMOTE supports you here in a variety of ways: Provide your partners with access to the platform you operate and ensure efficient interface management in this way.
Maintain ownership of process data and ensure that dependencies remain manageable.

The preparation and execution of an audit is often a complex procedure that is intended, among other things, to serve the sustainable development of the audited area.
ProcessRemote supports you in the execution and processing of audits as well as in the sustainable development, application and implementation of standard measures that must be implemented in the event of deviations being identified.

Inspections usually follow a defined inspection protocol.
In ProcessRemote, this is stored together with a result type definition (e.g. OK, nOK, a numerical value or selection text).
Findings can also be recorded without a connection to a predefined protocol, photos can be added and the connection to the project or product components can be established.

Trouble shooting
The aim of troubleshooting is to carry out work promptly and cost-effectively.
ProcessRemote supports you in identifying and applying proven methods for solving errors on site — even in offline mode.
Information recorded during the work process can then be used to further develop the solution processes.

Surveys are used to systematically gather an opinion or to collect distributed information, e.g. through interviews.
ProcessRemote is an ideal platform for planning and implementing these processes.
Import your survey schemes and make them available to colleagues working in the field quickly and easily.
This allows you to view and evaluate data collected in real time.
Product management
ProcessRemote is based on consistently ensuring that your process information is product-related.
A product can be diverse, e.g. a machine, a service or even a higher-level support process.
In most cases, the product-related processes are implemented by specialists from various disciplines who implement planned and unplanned processes in an interlocking manner.
In complex projects, different products are often implemented in parallel, e.g. the production, installation, commissioning, acceptance and quality assurance of a turbine together with the planning and construction of a transformer station.
At the product level are product structuresthe associated product processes, a scheduled product backlog and the responsibilities at discipline level are defined in abstract terms.
In concrete terms, these processes with specific deadlines and responsibilities within product instances planned and implemented.
This is done transparently and controlled in the respective projects.

Product structures
The product components are defined in hierarchical form.
In addition to the product name, other relevant properties can be stored.
For example, you can map plant structures in a parts list or defined auditing aspects in a tree structure, thereby ensuring that your process data is linked to the relevant products or their components.
The product structure information is of course also available to users of the mobile ProcessRemote app, ensuring consistent information structuring even when used remotely.
Product instances
Product instances are the specific characteristics of your product — e.g. the specific wind turbine of type X that is to be installed at a specific location.
As soon as you assign a wind turbine type X project structure element to your project, the predefined product components and the processes defined at product level are generated automatically.
The responsibilities are specifically assigned to the discipline-related work packages and an initial baseline schedule is derived for your product.
If individual product structure-related characteristics are relevant for the generated PIs (e.g. serial numbers of a gearbox), these can also be stored.
Product backlog
ProcessRemote enables dynamic management of your product scheduling in the backlog through the automatic dependency of process components on reference milestones.
As soon as either reference dates or the date offsets provided in the backlog change, the baseline dates of the process and the process elements defined in it are automatically shifted.
Your advantage: An initial project plan for your processes is available in just a few steps, ensuring that no planned process is neglected.
Product processes
The processes consist of individual process elements that are arranged in a sequence and hierarchy.
Process elements are always based on a predefined type, which controls the properties and behavior of each individual process element.
All processes are derived from process templates.
These can be further developed and are versionable.
The backlog to be implemented at the time of execution always refers back to the version active at that time, which automatically controls the further development of the process.
Distributed management
A balance of predefined and freely configurable structures for an optimum level of transparency and efficiency in management.
A balance of predefined and freely configurable structures for an optimum level of transparency and efficiency in your management
Fundamental to distributed management is your work breakdown structure , in which the project or asset structure elements, including the locations and reference dates, are defined. The superordinate processes are implemented at the higher levels of the work breakdown structure.
Each process step is based on the process definition, that is current at the time of operational planning of a process. Process templates that are optimized within the project duration are automatically used as the basis for subsequent process executions.
However, in order to complete processes, in addition to the pre-planned steps, individual paths must usually be taken, which are represented by dynamically supplemented process steps.
Structurally, for example, proven error handling routines can be integrated into your processes as optional components and dynamically included in the process if required.
Furthermore order management which provides for the connection of an order item to a backlog.
This always ensures that only those topics are processed for which there is also an order.
At the same time, you can see transparently to what extent your orders have already been implemented.
Each structure element can be assigned to a product — in this way, the processes defined in the product are transferred to the backlog of a structure element.
Within the processes, each process element has a status: “open” or “closed”. Open An element is always open, if the associated task has not been implemented or has not been implemented as planned. Even if subordinate tasks are still open, a higher-level process element cannot be closed. Our philosophy: The process is only complete when all process steps of a process have been completed.
Within the process steps the expected results can be recorded using definable result types.
Checkboxes, yes/no value pairs, numerical values, short free texts or a selection list can be used by the user at process level or also at application level for general use.
Rules can be used to reflect directly during the application whether the stored value is within the expected range or deviates from it.
All of your company’s stakeholders, whether employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders or business partners, can be involved according to their role.
All stakeholders in your company, whether employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders or business partners, can be involved according to their role
Cooperation across locations! Whether at the desk or in the field: your teams are always up to date with the latest information and work seamlessly together with maximum efficiency.
Across disciplines, across shifts, without organizational barriers — connected by the ProcessRemote shared work platform.
Individual integration! ProcessRemote makes it possible to involve all parties involved in the project individually and, if necessary, on a small scale, and to better balance risks.
Make optimum use of the specific expertise of the parties involved and benefit from a broader provider market.
Continuous improvement! You keep the process execution data as your property and ensure a “single point of truth”.
This creates the conditions for more and deeper operational insights.
The result: the operator improves in the short, medium and long term without being dependent on the strategies of other parties.
Full control! Starting with the transparent guidance of processes and the ability to introduce improvements to your projects and teams during ongoing operations: You are in control of the procedure, status and results of all processes.
Maximum expansion of knowledge! As a leading party, you will continuously expand your understanding, knowledge, experience and methods.
In this way, you will continue to improve your skills as an integrator and implementer over the course of the project.
Coordinated departments! Within your company, sales, processing and invoicing are closely interlinked by the fact that resources are managed in a coherent manner from scheduling and deployment through to order completion
Stakeholders are integrated into the respective work packages of their projects within your matrix organization according to their competencies.
Depending on the competencies of your stakeholders, they are integrated into the respective project work packages within your matrix organization.
Competencies — Responsibility — Tasks. Mit Kompetenzen sind zum einen Wissen und Fähigkeiten gemeint, dann aber auch die Befugnis oder die Berechtigung, Entscheidungen in einem gewissen Rahmen zu treffen oder Aufgaben zu erledigen. ProcessRemote schafft die Grundlagen, um ein ausgeglichenes Verhältnis dieser drei Erfolgsfaktoren zu gewährleisten.
Authorization-side competencies are assigned depending on roles, experience and knowledge.
ProcessRemote assigns operational competencies within the work packages — for example, a process release can be controlled in such a way that only the person responsible for the work package can implement this step.
The authority to view certain key figures can also be restricted to certain people.
Competence regulation by assuming responsibility creates the conditions for the expected implementation of the process tasks at hand.
ProcessRemote provides the reliable framework for you and your team to be rewarded with a satisfied customer.
Professional skills are strengthened and promoted when the process framework is stable and transparent and your team can focus on the technical execution of the respective processes.
ProcessRemote provides specialist information to accompany the process so that even a process newcomer can quickly get started and expand their skills in the relevant discipline.
Motivation is what your team experiences when you introduce efficient, low-friction processes, continuously improve them, listen to experts and incorporate what you hear into the processes.
With ProcessRemote, you create the ideal conditions for this and increase the willingness of your employees to take responsibility for the implementation of your goals.

Using a simple example, we will show you how the systemic concepts interlock and how the individual system objects are connected and developed.
Let’s get started — project, structural elements, a first work package
Define the project structures and assign the respective products — for example, map a wind farm with its locations and assign the turbine types as a product.
You have already defined the work package structure and the people responsible for it.
You have created an order item with reference to the project.
In the next step, you plan the implementation of the order in the form of a backlog.
As an example, create a backlog item for the project structure element GT05.
You give this a name.
Then assign the order item you have just created and select the template for the process to be implemented.
You also define a move-in date — in this case an individual date in March 2025.
They also stipulate that the process should be carried out twice at intervals of 6 months.
Save this.
You can now see the created backlog item in the GT05 project structure element.
Initially, the associated processes have not yet been created.
After saving the new definitions, you will be asked to confirm the creation of the two associated processes.
The two newly created processes are now available for further processing in the Process tab with the status “Created” at a time interval of 6 months.
No work without an order — you can also guarantee this systemically
In addition to the customer, the individual items and the target project are defined for an order — regardless of whether it is placed externally or internally.
In the next step, the requested order scope is pre-planned operationally by assigning the process backlogs to these items.
You have created an order item with reference to the project.
In the next step, you plan the implementation of the order in the form of a backlog.
As an example, create a backlog item for the project structure element GT05.
You give this a name.
Then assign the order item you have just created and select the template for the process to be implemented.
You also define a move-in date — in this case an individual date in March 2025.
They also stipulate that the process should be carried out twice at intervals of 6 months.
Save this.
You can now see the created backlog item in the GT05 project structure element.
Initially, the associated processes have not yet been created.
After saving the new definitions, you will be asked to confirm the creation of the two associated processes.
The two newly created processes are now available for further processing in the Process tab with the status “Created” at a time interval of 6 months.
Product-related or individual processes are pre-planned in the backlog
The purpose of a backlog item is to map the expected workload in the form of pre-planned processes.
The backlog provides a scope, deadline and responsibility baseline for the implementation of each of your project structure elements.
With just a few clicks, you can create a baseline plan for your project.
You have created an order item with reference to the project.
In the next step, you plan the implementation of the order in the form of a backlog.
As an example, create a backlog item for the project structure element GT05.
You give this a name.
Then assign the order item you have just created and select the template for the process to be implemented.
You also define a move-in date — in this case an individual date in March 2025.
They also stipulate that the process should be carried out twice at intervals of 6 months.
Save this.
You can now see the created backlog item in the GT05 project structure element.
Initially, the associated processes have not yet been created.
After saving the new definitions, you will be asked to confirm the creation of the two associated processes.
The two newly created processes are now available for further processing in the Process tab with the status “Created” at a time interval of 6 months.
Concretize the timeline of your baseline planning by fine-tuning processes
Depending on the respective boundary conditions and priorities, you can detail the implementation of your backlog in the calendar overview.
Adjust the responsibilities at work package and team level.
As soon as you have provisionally completed the planning of a process, the status is set from “planned” to “InWork”.
You have created an order item with reference to the project.
In the next step, you plan the implementation of the order in the form of a backlog.
As an example, create a backlog item for the project structure element GT05.
You give this a name.
Then assign the order item you have just created and select the template for the process to be implemented.
You also define a move-in date — in this case an individual date in March 2025.
They also stipulate that the process should be carried out twice at intervals of 6 months.
Save this.
You can now see the created backlog item in the GT05 project structure element.
Initially, the associated processes have not yet been created.
After saving the new definitions, you will be asked to confirm the creation of the two associated processes.
The two newly created processes are now available for further processing in the Process tab with the status “Created” at a time interval of 6 months.
Distributed execution of your processes
Entsprechend der Arbeitspaket-Depending on the authorization of the members of their work packages, they can handle the planned and unplanned processes via the web application or the mobile app.
If the work is carried out outside of mobile network coverage, synchronization before and after the work is carried out ensures the availability of work content and results.
You have created an order item with reference to the project.
In the next step, you plan the implementation of the order in the form of a backlog.
As an example, create a backlog item for the project structure element GT05.
You give this a name.
Then assign the order item you have just created and select the template for the process to be implemented.
You also define a move-in date — in this case an individual date in March 2025.
They also stipulate that the process should be carried out twice at intervals of 6 months.
Save this.
You can now see the created backlog item in the GT05 project structure element.
Initially, the associated processes have not yet been created.
After saving the new definitions, you will be asked to confirm the creation of the two associated processes.
The two newly created processes are now available for further processing in the Process tab with the status “Created” at a time interval of 6 months.
Dynamic handling of your standard processes, e.g. after the occurrence of a finding
If process deviations occur, the relevant additional information can be stored logically in addition to the standard processes.
If a correction process is already planned, it can be called up and inserted seamlessly.
You have created an order item with reference to the project.
In the next step, you plan the implementation of the order in the form of a backlog.
As an example, create a backlog item for the project structure element GT05.
You give this a name.
Then assign the order item you have just created and select the template for the process to be implemented.
You also define a move-in date — in this case an individual date in March 2025.
They also stipulate that the process should be carried out twice at intervals of 6 months.
Save this.
You can now see the created backlog item in the GT05 project structure element.
Initially, the associated processes have not yet been created.
After saving the new definitions, you will be asked to confirm the creation of the two associated processes.
The two newly created processes are now available for further processing in the Process tab with the status “Created” at a time interval of 6 months.
Overview of the success and status of process implementation
The open/closed status of the process elements makes it possible to see at a glance where the expected results have not been achieved and the criticality of a deviation. Once a process has been provisionally completed, it is released — a process is only closed when all process elements have themselves been closed.
You have created an order item with reference to the project.
In the next step, you plan the implementation of the order in the form of a backlog.
As an example, create a backlog item for the project structure element GT05.
You give this a name.
Then assign the order item you have just created and select the template for the process to be implemented.
You also define a move-in date — in this case an individual date in March 2025.
They also stipulate that the process should be carried out twice at intervals of 6 months.
Save this.
You can now see the created backlog item in the GT05 project structure element.
Initially, the associated processes have not yet been created.
After saving the new definitions, you will be asked to confirm the creation of the two associated processes.
The two newly created processes are now available for further processing in the Process tab with the status “Created” at a time interval of 6 months.
Clear reports show the evaluated implementation status of your processes
You can view or print out a snapshot of the process implementation at any time.
The level of detail of this output can be set via parameters according to the respective requirements.
If required, a report is distributed for the process release in accordance with the RASCI definitions of your WBS.
You have created an order item with reference to the project.
In the next step, you plan the implementation of the order in the form of a backlog.
As an example, create a backlog item for the project structure element GT05.
You give this a name.
Then assign the order item you have just created and select the template for the process to be implemented.
You also define a move-in date — in this case an individual date in March 2025.
They also stipulate that the process should be carried out twice at intervals of 6 months.
Save this.
You can now see the created backlog item in the GT05 project structure element.
Initially, the associated processes have not yet been created.
After saving the new definitions, you will be asked to confirm the creation of the two associated processes.
The two newly created processes are now available for further processing in the Process tab with the status “Created” at a time interval of 6 months.
Clear presentation of your KPIS
A target/plan/actual comparison of your planning can be visualized in the same way as a deviation analysis for individual process steps across your distributed projects.
Backlog analyses are also informative, e.g. to map and evaluate outstanding work volumes across the various disciplines of your organization.
You have created an order item with reference to the project.
In the next step, you plan the implementation of the order in the form of a backlog.
As an example, create a backlog item for the project structure element GT05.
You give this a name.
Then assign the order item you have just created and select the template for the process to be implemented.
You also define a move-in date — in this case an individual date in March 2025.
They also stipulate that the process should be carried out twice at intervals of 6 months.
Save this.
You can now see the created backlog item in the GT05 project structure element.
Initially, the associated processes have not yet been created.
After saving the new definitions, you will be asked to confirm the creation of the two associated processes.
The two newly created processes are now available for further processing in the Process tab with the status “Created” at a time interval of 6 months.